Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fourth Demension and the hypercube

The idea of the fourth dimension and the hypercube is very hard to wrap my mind around. The idea that squares can go farther than cubes and rectangles farther than prisms. To me the images of hypercubes and tesseracts look like a smaller cube inside a larger cube connected at their vertices. To make a hypercube you have to dilate a cube. The same goes from a square to a cube. Iwonder what would happen if you dilate a hypercube. Is there any such thing as a 5th dimension?

Image of hypercube.

This next image shows what a net of a hypercube would look like. When you unfold a cube to get the net the shape goes from 3-D to 2-D. When you unfold a hypercube to get a net the same thing happens. The shape goes from 4-D to 3-D. I also think it is really cool that both the net of a cube and of a hypercube are very similar. I feel that one of the few differences is the fact that the hypercube net is just the 3-D version of the cube's net.

Image of hypercube net.

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